Here’s me sitting
on a desk
Why am I sitting on the edge of the desk when there’s a perfectly good chair right behind me?
Because you won’t find any good ideas by always sitting in your comfort zone.
You have to go out on the edge, where things get a little uncomfortable—and yes, your butt cheeks might get a little numb—to find them.
And that’s exactly where you’ll find me, leaning in, sleeves pre-rolled, ready to get to work alongside you.
Peek my CV:
Chewy - Creative Lead, Copy 2017-now
Frida - Freelance Copywriter 2022-2024
Zimmerman - Freelance Copywriter 2016-2017
Imagen Marketing Agency - Freelance Copywriter 2013-2017
Ogilvy - Email Copywriter 2012-2014
Goverlan Software - Junior Copywriter 2011-2013
USDA - Assistant Science Writer 2006-2011
My start in writing was less English Lit and more science lab, which makes me a real copy nerd.
No, I didn’t get bitten by a radioactive spider and suddenly develop superhuman writing abilities (I warned you about the nerd part). I was a research assistant editing scientific papers.
When the research funding dried up, I somehow convinced (okay, begged) a Miami software company to hire me to edit white papers. What began as an editing gig quickly became my first copywriting role—translating tech jargon into clear, persuasive language. With geek speak transformed into real product benefits, software sales soared.
That’s when I realized the power of copy to change minds—and that there were these places with cushy furniture and free catered lunch where they actually paid you to write copy. They called them agencies.
And the rest is, well, a long story… so save yourself the time and peek my CV instead.